Best Practices: AI-based App Development with React Native

What image does the word "artificial intelligence" bring to mind when you think about it? Many of us think of war, robots, and Iron Man. However, AI has existed in theory for a long time. Robots were initially seen in the film Metropolis. However, the concept existed earlier.

However, this technology has suddenly picked up steam and is now present in many aspects of daily life. eCommerce systems, for instance, use AI to power personalization and suggestion. Similar to this, Google Home, Siri, and Alexa power voice-driven intelligent communication that provides immediate access to a wide range of information and data.

AI-based app development can drive the future of technology, and the React Native framework is the best choice for making AI-based React Native mobile applications.

Best Practices for AI-based app development

The whole process for leveraging React Native to offer a workable and highly inclusive app solution is outlined here. The React Native framework is the best, so if you hire React Native developers, they can help you with your AI-based app development.

1) Utilizing the Right Code Editor

Coding efficiency and simple commentary depend on code editors. Use the cutting-edge, lightweight Sublime Text 3.0 editor, which offers a command palette, split, search, and other convenient tools for coding.

2) Observe Raw Data

You should know your raw data if you want to code appropriately. Your submitted data aids in improving your training sets and results. The knowledge you need to enhance the algorithm and your model should be available. Only when you know your raw data's contents can you provide superior outcomes.

3) Be User-Focused

Making sure your user is in charge is essential. Your design considerations for developing AI-based applications should be fully transparent and include the appropriate functionality. Remove any components that look superfluous or redundant. Additionally, make sure you adhere to user needs.

4) Use the Dictionary in Python

Everything is kept in a Python dictionary. Each of the fundamental concepts is different. It aids in keeping the knowledge in use.

You store information about the user ID or profile whenever information is kept in the dictionary. This eliminates the requirement for if and else statements and simplifies the code.

5) Use Tools for Machine Learning

Applying the newest and most advanced machine learning techniques for AI-based app development would be beneficial.

  • Apple Core ML: A machine learning framework specific to the domain

  • Gamelaykit

  • Caffe2

  • C++

  • Tensorflow

  • NLP

  • Python API

6) Platforms with Low Code

Delivering AI-driven app solutions that increase productivity and improve app quality should be done using low-code platforms. These platforms facilitate cooperation and aid in the creation of logical apps.


Here, you can follow the above steps for AI-based app development with React Native. We have the know-how to use the most recent technologies and patterns in app development to create an app solution. With personalized and carefully curated experiences, our app development team can help you increase conversions. They are skilled in AI and machine learning.